Double Trouble, Double the Fun: Adopting Two Dogs at Once

If you are like us, adopting one pet is pretty exciting. It’s an amazing feeling to bring home a deserving fur friend who needs our love, attention, and good care for a wonderful life. So, naturally, it would seem like adopting two dogs would be even better, right? After all, they will keep each other company. The more, the merrier!

There are some great benefits to adopting two dogs at once, but there are also some challenges. The team at Shiloh Veterinary Hospital is here to explain these reasons and to help you prepare for bringing home two amazing adoptable pets (while keeping it real!).


Should You Adopt a Pet With Someone You’re Dating?

People in serious relationships tend to make grand gestures. They make introductions to their family members, take each other to work events, and even move in together. 

A common next step for significant others is to adopt a pet. It’s not as huge of a life changer as having a child, but it shows a certain level of commitment – to one another, and to the pet. It’s a beautiful symbol of love, but this type of decision doesn’t just affect the human relationship. 

Before you adopt a pet with someone (even if you love them), it’s important to take time to consider all the possibilities.
