How to Spot Signs of a Flea Infestation on Your Pet 

cat scratching itself behind ear.

Flea infestations can be a real headache for your pet and for you. 

Not only do fleas cause discomfort and itchiness for your furry friend, but they can also lead to other health issues—hair loss, hot spots, anemia, skin infections, and more. And fleas can cause allergic reactions in some pets, further exacerbating the itching and scratching.

For you, flea infestations can be a pain to deal with. Fleas can quickly spread throughout your home if left unchecked, and flea bites are itchy and uncomfortable for humans too. 


Is Heartworm Disease In Dogs Really That Dangerous? Sadly, Yes.

Chocolate labarador retriever sitting in grass.

It is absolutely reasonable to question every vaccination, medication, and preventive method recommended for your companion animal. Indeed, that’s the very essence of responsible pet ownership. Heartworm disease in dogs has the potential to cause severe lung disease, heart failure, organ damage, and can even be fatal. Together, we can ensure your dog has every possible protection against heartworm-carrying mosquitos and other parasites.


The Facts About Parasite Prevention in LA

LA dog with parasite prevention

Protecting your pet from external and internal parasites (and their associated diseases) is every pet owner’s responsibility. But there are some misconceptions about parasites in the city and whether or not they are a threat to our pets. 

The team at Shiloh Veterinary Hospital is here to address the facts about parasite prevention in LA and what you can do to better protect your furry loved one.


Avoid a Crisis With Pet Parasite Prevention

Tick removed from black and white dog

No matter where we live, parasites are everywhere. These tiny facts of life can range from gross (discovering worms in your pet’s poop), to frustrating (a flea infestation in your home), to downright deadly (a pet diagnosed with heartworm). 

Because fleas, ticks, heartworm, and intestinal parasites pose a risk to dogs, cats, exotic pets, and people all year long, pet parasite prevention is a critical part of your pet’s health care plan. 
